What a surprise I had when DH and I went to the local fair! Of course we went straight to the main hall where the quilts are on exhibit. The flannel lap quilt "Dancing Leaves" I entered recieved a 2nd place (red) ribbon in its catagory. Wow,I was really pleased! Then as we made our way back to where the individual blocks were displayed I was again "bowled over", a 1st place blue ribbon was attached to the"Contrary Wife" blocks.(see that blog for photo!) Remember, I said in a previous blog, that I only thought it would be fun to have the blocks made into a raffle quilt? Well, $25. comes w/1st place!!! Yippee, looks like 3 yards of fabric to me! I thought you would like to see "Mickey" by another quilter, it is sooo cute! The next day I helped out again at the "Ladies of the Lake" (llqg.org) guild booth selling Oppourtunity Quilt tickets, the same as at the last fair w/ quilt car, brought attention to us and my shift partner and I did have quite a few sales. Now fair duties are ended. Next month is the Falling Leaves Quilt Show the first weekend in Oct. It is "crunch time" I still have some bindings calling me to finish up for entry in the show! Hope you all can come to see the show. There are 250 entrys, some are for sale!