Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My House!

I have always prided myself to "soldier on" when ever I am presented w/challenges in life. I say this sincerely. I have faced a few "dark days" in my life and then the "sunshine comes"! Of course I always credit all the "sunshine" in my life to "Him"......who never would or has given me any task I couldn't handle.... until now! I don't think "He" knows about "mini paper piecing" quilting!!! (I am not shouting, really!) Our "mini" class was told by our teacher that we would be more "challenged" this year. She wasn't kidding!!! I was very anxious to do the house blocks and we have the option of creating a "Christmas sock" or a "mini" quilt. I opted for the quilt! So, here is as far as I have gotten! Eeeek! As you can see this "block" is 3 inches. The inner block, the house is 1 1/2 inches. The house alone has 15, count them, 15 pieces! "Oh," you say, it is paper pieced". Yes, but, I was frazzled just trying to choose colors, you know I am "color challenged"! I have seven more to design. The block is somewhat "wonky" besides! So....I think this is going to be a long time in the making!!! I am exhausted just thinking about it! Of course I could make them look all the same, but, would you live in a house that was painted like your neighbors?? I don't even know if this is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home!