As I sit here holding my hand-me-down dolly, did I ever think I would be using a computer or even living the life that I do now!? No, probably the only thing I was thinking of was "when are we going to go to the beach"! This photo was taken when I was about 6-7 years old. My hair was naturally red and curly and did it present alot of "ouches" when being combed and brushed! Look at those shoes!!!! They also were (brown) hand-me-downs! Those were the style in our house. I must have dreamed of white ones ! Or even shiny black patent leather.
I was the youngest of 6 kids. My father was a Sgt. in the U.S.Army and we lived on Angel Island, in the middle of San Francisco Bay. He was the Supply Sgt. by day and ran the base theater every night! We saw all the movies free! It was a kids paradise. A one room school house and a beach romp when ever! A big boat took us right by Alcatraz Island to the "City" for shopping, etc...our 1936 4 door Ford was parked in a rented garage off of Lombard Street, where the boat docked at the bottom of it. My Mom didn't drive so when my Pop wasn't with us we would catch a street car to downtown or a friends house. We were the one of the last families to move off the island when it closed down. It is now a part of the State Parks System . I loved our life on "our island"!!!