What thoughtful kids I have!! The UPS came rolling in on Friday late and handed me a great big green box! Inside were 2 dozen of the most beautiful roses a MOM could want from our DD & SIL and Gkid in Oregon. They were carefully wrapped and the stems stuck in wet florist foam. The vaase was wrapped separate and then tucked in also was the box of the most delicious little chocolates ever!!! Then the little booklet that told how to cut the stems and arrange them and put the special flower preservative that was included! They actually smell like roses!! Then Saturday afternoon the local florist truck came while we were away and left the other lovely assorted flower arrangement on the porch! From the DIL and DS that live a mile away, who were out of town attending a car race in Redding. On Sunday morning I woke up and shuffled out to the kitchen and looked outside to see what the birds and bees,etc world was like and right before my eyes was a beautiful dark turqious ceramic bird bath sitting where the other leaky one was! Wow, how did that get there without me knowing about it??? Well... unknown to me Saturday night while I thought DH was on the "web" he was out in the dark hauling this "bird bathtub" out of the pickup and setting it up as quietly as he could. I didn't have a clue, just watching a old movie and didn't even know nothin was going on!!! I really was surprised and so out I went in my 'jammys" and slippers and examined it and then DH and I sat on the patio drank coffee and waiting for the first bird to take a drink out of it!!! So fun!! Well, as if that was not enough attention, our other DS and his girl friend hosted a delicious Tri-tip BBQ for me and her Mom and her other family members on Sunday. Then as if that wasn't enough excitement I get a email from my good friend SuBee whom I share our love of quilting with. She tells me to go look at her blog and I of course did and found out that I won the drawing of some most adorable sewing critters shelf sitters she had for her celebration of her 200th published blog http://pieces-of-time.blogspot.com/ You can see them on a previous post of hers. Sooo darn cute! Well, you can imagine that I feel so honored. Thanks to her DGD Madeline who drew the lucky "ticket"!!! What a day!!!
God Bless our kids! Without 'em Mothers Day would be a little bland, don't you think? All thoise flowers!! SO pretty! And good job on Hunny for the birdbath :=)
And the Winnah is...! That was a hoot and a half. I can't believe it! It reminds me of the drawing held recently at work for an Emergency Preparedness backpack. Out of 47 names I got chosen. Lots of co-workers joshed that it 'was rigged'. Whodda thunk?
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