Well, July just zipped by for me! I am frantically working on getting my local county fair entries done, I did get the paperwork done on time. It is so easy now to do as you must go on line to their website and then just fill out the forms,print,include the fees and mail it. How easy is that!!? If you don't have a "puter", you can go to the fairgrounds and they have about a dozen of them set up and a couple of really smart ladies, whom I think are summer college helpers, they will guide you along. At the last sew day at http://pieces.of.time/ Su's she shared her handy seam ripper she purchased in Utah made w/wooden handle. It felt so good to hold, especially 'cause older hands need a little more handle to grasp on to. I bragged to my DH about it and then showed him a photo that Su sent. Well, he said "get me the blade part". I of course obeyed......(only this time of course) because who wouldn't want to have "approved" trip to the local fabric store!! Here are the work-in-progress and then the finished product....oh, it feels so soft and fits my hand just right. It doesn't roll around as he designed some flat spots that go around the handle, that looks like decorations. So no matter where you put it down, it stays there. The wood is black walnut from his "stash" of our own trees. The only change in the design is I didn't want the plastic cap that comes w/the "ripper". So his idea of having the blade reverse into the handle is great! He even stamped my initals on it!! Whata guy!
I think he has a few more in progress!

I think he has a few more in progress!

Whoo-hooo!! That's beautiful! Where do I send my order? Whatta guy!
I love the seam ripper. I'm going to have to show it to my dad and see what he can do.
That John's a keeper! Great photos. Yeah, I'm with Su. Taking orders? Black walnut, that's hard to come by. :cD
oooooo I'd take one in a heart beat, actually two if it were an option.... :-)
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