I am taking a break!! The activites of the Falling Leaves Quilt Show aka Ladies of The Lake Quilt Guild big show, was just too much fun! Take a look at the guilds website! I entered the same items in the FLQS as I did in the county fair where I ribboned on the same entrys. The competition was greater. The judges have tough decision to make. I know first hand as I am the chairman of the judging committee and I observe as well as scribe for them. They are fair and tough in their judging. Which I consider important. I don't take any critisims personally as I consider them a learning process. I encourage anyone who has the opportunity to enter your items in a "judged" event to do so! So, that being said....I need to get planning for next years events....mmmm does that mean shopping for fabric or diving into my stash! Stay tuned!!
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