We have been so busy preparing our Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Farm for the opening the day after T-Day. (I have neglected my blog!) It has been none stop since then with wonderful families coming to get their Christmas tree! Just a few days ago we were taking a "deep breath" after a swarm left and we heard the " giggles of little children", then a clip clop,clip clop. Hmmmm...we said wonder what is going on? When what to our "wondering eyes" should appear...but a team of 2 huge black Perchon horses pulling a red wagon full of kids! Well, our eyes were just poppin' out and what a sight to see! The children were visiting a neighbor 1 mile up the road. (They just moved in the neighborhood about a year ago and we had not met them yet.) But, they had visitors from a private school about a 1 -1/2 hours away from here. They wanted to "come see". Well, the kids wanted a little tree for their class room and the teacher wanted a 8 footer for her home. They aquired both and were treated to the candy canes in the traditional red basket we have for everyone. It is the first time we have had such a oppourtunity to view these magnificent horsed up close. A few days later the wagon came back for a tree for the neighbors being pulled this time by 2 giant white Perchon's. It was another "Kodak" moment to say the least! My DH did the photos!
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Don't cha just love the look of the old draft horses? Frk's Dad had a pair at one time when he was a wee lad. So good to "see" you in that photo!
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