Monday, July 09, 2007

Sunbonnet Sue 1940!

I have a neat friend who loves to quilt! Imagine that! She is also a neighbor and ask me to be the "caretaker" and deliverer of her very special Sunbonnet Sue quilt to display at the Falling Leaves Quilt Show on October 6 & 7.(Always the first weekend in Oct.) She and her DH went on vacation to the "cooler" places and I have to say that I am very "nervous" about being trusted w/this family heirloom. She also trust me to attach the hanging sleeve for the show display. This quilt was made by her Mother in the 1940's out of my friend (Louise) clothes! Her Mother had tied the quilt and over the years the quilt was " loved "so much that my friend wanted to have it restored. She ask a local quilt expert restorer,Wilma, to do so. This was a long process but the results are fabulous! Then it was sent to the Philippine's for the hand quilting. (another long process,but worth it!) I ask if I could share this quilt w/all of the world and my friend said it was okay w/her! So, just enjoy! Be sure and click on the photos for a "close up".

1 comment:

SuBee said...

So THIS is the one!!! I've heard a lot about this -- and it's beautiful. Plus it has the best story anywhere - I'm so glad Louise is putting it in the show!