I can't believe I can actual get some photos loaded up on my blog. We had the computer repaired and it works different than before with the photos! Some towns in our area are banning plastic bags in stores, ours has not,however, I do go to other areas to shop. I am prepared!!! I won't say which ones are for gifts also!!!!!
Tip: Click on the photo and a window will open w/them and you can enlarge each one to get a better look !!!
These totes were so fun and easy to assemble!!
It only takes 1 yard of fabric and one seam,then turned right side out and add the handle! (The inside looks just like the outside! But, if you have directional fabric it gets tricky to get the right look on the outside!) I also put Velcro all the way across on the inside below the handle on the "Saddle Up" and "Pears Galore", (in memory of our 25 years of growing Bartlett Pears). I was introduced to this "easypeasy" pattern at a small quilt guild that I belong to. The yellow one is made of "laminated cotton". A new product to try. (It is pricey!) It is similar to "oil cloth" but it is soft and not made with oil products! It comes in 54"wide width and it is carried by our local fabric store,it is on a roll.

It is larger than the others because of the width. (The others are of the normal 42" width fabric!)
The second tote I call "Sew & Sew" as you can see by the theme.

The horsey one I call "Round Up"!
The yellow one is the laminated fabric. I call Mellow Yellow!!!!